
Age: 33, Years Smoking: 11, Quitting attempts: 1, Time to quit: 8 months, Product used: Nicotine lozenges, Time smoke-free: 13 months


Emily decided to quit to set a better example for her children and to pursue her dream of becoming a flight attendant.

Getting Started:

Emily set a quit date and opted to reduce her nicotine intake with Habitrol’s nicotine lozenges.

The Grind:

Emily dealt with cravings and temptations when attempting to break the habit.


Emily was able to curb cravings by gradually increasing her intake of lozenges.


Emily has remained smoke-free for over a year and now has the confidence to live life to the fullest.

Staying smoke-free:

Emily leans on family support to help her avoid the possibility of relapsing.

Emily's Journey to a Smoke-Free Life with Kea Health's NRT Products

For over ten years, Emily faced the daily struggle of a persistent smoking habit, which took a toll on her health and family life. Keen to be a positive role model for her young children and inspired by her dream of becoming a flight attendant, Emily turned to KEA Health.

With KEA Health's NRT products, Emily not only triumphed over her smoking addiction but also embraced improved physical fitness and self-confidence, which served her well while pursuing a new career. Emily’s story serves as a prime example of the effectiveness of KEA Health's NRT products in helping people embrace a smoke-free future.

The Challenge: Emily's Struggle with Smoking

Emily faced numerous challenges due to her smoking habit. Reduced physical fitness made it difficult for her to keep up with her kids, hindering quality time and impacting their well-being. On top of that, her goal to become a flight attendant was jeopardized, as the role demanded excellent health and prohibited smoking while on duty. These challenges served as powerful motivators for Emily to seek support from KEA Health to quit smoking and transform her life.

Why Emily Chose KEA Health

Emily chose KEA Health for her NRT products for several reasons. KEA Health, as a family business with over 50 years of trusted experience, resonated with her values and need for reliability. Cost-effectiveness was crucial for Emily, and KEA Health's affordability compared to regular drug stores allowed her to stay within her budget. The convenience of having products delivered directly to her doorstep further simplified her journey to quit smoking, making KEA Health the ideal choice for her NRT needs.

The Journey: Steps Taken to Quit Smoking

Emily embarked on her journey to quit smoking by first setting a quit date and enlisting KEA Health's NRT products for support. She specifically chose nicotine lozenges for their convenience and discreetness. Emily started by gradually reducing her daily cigarette intake while replacing it with Habitrol nicotine lozenges to manage cravings. This step-by-step approach helped her taper off cigarettes. Over a period of eight months, she increased the use of lozenges as needed to curb cravings, ultimately leading to her successful transition to a smoke-free life. Despite facing cravings and temptations from others smoking around her, Emily remained steadfast in her commitment to quit.

The Results: Emily's Life After Quitting Smoking

After quitting smoking, Emily experienced a remarkable transformation. Her fitness improved significantly, allowing her to keep up with her kids effortlessly. Moreover, she gained the confidence to pursue her dream job as a flight attendant, knowing that her health had improved enough to manage the demands of the position.

Testimonials from Emily and Family

Emily: "Quitting smoking with the help of Habitrol lozenges has not only improved my health but also given me the confidence to pursue my goals. I'm now a better role model for my kids and well on my way to kickstarting my career."

Emily's husband: "Seeing Emily quit smoking with nicotine lozenge has made such a noticeable difference. Her energy has improved, bringing a positive change to our family life. We're proud of her commitment to a smoke-free future."

Conclusion: Emily's Recommendations for Others

Emily recommends those considering quitting smoking to take the following steps:

  • Consider opting for nicotine lozenges for convenience and discretion: "Choose lozenges to discreetly manage cravings."
  • Gradually reduce cigarette intake while using NRT products: "Take small steps to cut down smoking with NRTs."
  • Stay focused on your goals and persevere through cravings: "Keep your eyes on the prize and power through cravings."
  • Seek help from loved ones who can hold you accountable while providing emotional support: "Lean on your support network for guidance and encouragement."